2020/2022     Royal College of Art: MA Curating Contemporary Art - With Distinction
2015/2018     University of Westminster: BA Photographic Arts - First Class (Hons)

2024              Fox Yard Studio: Muse
2023              Hulk Lane Darkroom: Data Between the Lines (Solo Exhibition)
2023              Artist:  Under The Rainbow Events 
2018/2024   Curation 10 - Data Between the Lines: Photographic Boundaries the Race to Realisation
2021              The Violet Hour- Green Fires Show- Movement No More
2019              LoosenArt Gallery- Glitches and Defects: Data Between the Lines
2019              Parallax London – Art Fair
 2018              Free Range- Data Between the Lines: Photographic Boundaries the Race to Realisation
2018              Westminster Pop up: Photographic Boundaries the Race to Realisation
2018.             MAD Show- Data Between the Lines: Photographic Boundaries the Race to Realisation
2017              Beyond the Frame: Gallery West
2017              Wall, Page and Screen: Gallery West

Press and Publications:
2021              Any Segment: Issue 2 - https://the-dots.com/projects/issue-2-491727
2020              Isolate Zine 
2019              Chequered Corridor Magazine

2018              _MG_5787mD2 – Data Image Bike Print, Vice Chancellor, University Westminster Office

 Curatorial Projects:
2023              Lead Curator:  Temporal Collision – Peckham Safehouses 1&2:                   
2023              Junior Curator:  Under The Rainbow Events 
2022              Co-Curator: Southwark Park Galleries – For Us To Share 

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