This is the corruption of data through photographic representation. This project consists of digital photographs of professional motorcycle races taken just after an incident has occurred. The images feature close-ups of the track, showing the physical information left behind. This visual information is merged with telemetry data from motorcycle racing leathers or sound data gathered from trackside, creating glitches within the photographic data and corrupting the original image. When a glitch is applied, the outcome is unpredictable since it alters the information that makes up the photograph using completely unrelated data. The information used to affect each photograph is different, using a combination of bike suit telemetry data and sound.

Data Between the Lines
2023 - Hulk Lane Darkroom: Data Between the Lines (Solo Exhibition)
13th November - 10th December 2023: Data Between the Lines
October 2018- Present- Curation 10- London: Data Between the Lines
July 2019- Glitches and Defects- Rome: Data Between the Lines
December 2018- London: Westminster Pop up
June 2018- Free Range- London: Data Between the Lines
August 2018 - October 2018- MAD Show- London: Data Between the Lines